Monday, June 29, 2009

The Nursery

For the most part I have finished getting the nursery together. We had a little scare with the baby store we bought everything that they went out of business and filed for bankruptcy!! Luckily I had gone in the day before they shut their doors to check on my order and ended up leaving the store with the floor model and some additional goodies to make up for it. I am lucky as lots of people are out lots of money!! One problem we are already encountering in the nursery is that the cats have taken up residence in the room. One sleeps in the crib and one in the rocking chair. Diego also thinks that the mobile is a toy for him to pull apart! I have ordered a net tent for the crib so I hope that will keep him out.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Nursery!!! The crocs on the wall, the rug, all of it! Kayla loves it too I see : ) That rocker is gonna be fabulous! I know you can't wait Beth! Hold on tight. He'll be here soon!!!
