Monday, May 30, 2011

Ultrasound Photos of Baby Girl

Fac e
Five little fingers
the foot that has been jabbing my side
Profile and bubbles
Our little girl will be here within the least by June 6th. These last couple of weeks seem to never end although I have my hands full of a 22 month old who doesn't sleep, fixing up our guest house for visitors, finishing up work, etc. We are so excited and so ready for our little bundle to get here. While I am a little nervous of the upcoming repeat C Section, I really just hope she comes out safe and healthy. Here are some photos of her ultrasound taken back in January which I forgot to post on the blog. More to come soon...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nana and Papa Ray

Wake loves spending time at Nana and Papa Ray's house...especially now they have inherited some pretty cool toys from the people across the street. Wake is really into trucks...any kind of trucks. We read truck books, he wakes up saying truck in his sleep at night, we drive around looking for trucks. Trucks, trucks, trucks!!

Giant Easter egg hunt...we will never do again!

This easter egg hunt had about 7,000 people and 50,000 eggs. They dropped eggs onto the field from helicopters. The whole hunt lasted about 5 minutes but the process of getting everyone on the field took about 3 hours. All the little kids were hot and tired and the parents were tired of listening to whining! There were some big prizes in some eggs so people were competitive (despite the 12 egg limit) and we even saw a 50 yr old lady on the field going thru about 50 eggs she had in her purse. This was a hunt for children 13 and younger...not 50! I couldn't believe some people. We will not be going again next year...maybe when our kids are older.

Random Photos March/April 2011

34 Weeks pregnant with Baby Girl
Wake being southern and loving corn
Hanging out with Papa Ray and Papa Sig grilling some dinner

Character Breakfast March 2011

This was a special breakfast where Wake got to meet characters from different childrens movies.
The characters were cool from afar but he wanted nothing to do with them up close.
Characters from afar
Wake dressed up and ready for the show

Two month slipped by...

Wow, i just realized that two months went by and I didn't post anything yet again. Free time is very limited right now. Wake has reached the stage of what I'm guessing is the "terrible twos" or just a personality shift. He requires a constant watch and has taken to not liking sleeping in his room alone. Next Baby is still bouncing all around in my belly...hopefully trying to figure out the best exit route (as I am sooo ready at this point to not be pregnant anymore). The animals in the house continue to make messes for me to clean but add entertainment for Wake. All in all....I really have my hands full and I'm about to add another live wired to this farm! What have I done!

After many a night and nap where Wake found his way out of his crib, and then out of the crib tent on the crib, we decided to convert and give him a toddler bed. The first two weeks were rough and sleepless and then he caught on. I was relieved that I would be getting sleep again. As soon as it got got bad and we are still dealing with sleepless nights. The more pregnant I have gotten the more draining this no sleep is for me. But we are just sticking to our plan of getting him back in bed and crossing fingers that one day he will stay there...ALL NIGHT!

I am 36 weeks pregnant right now and experiencing contractions all the time and pressure in my pelvic wall that I did not feel the first time around. At 32 weeks I had a contraction scare and found that I am just one of those people that gets preterm contractions that are not the real thing and will probably happen for the rest of my pregnancy. I am now more than ready for the real thing to start since I'm further along. Baby Girl is due June 12th, but I have decided not to let things go on that long. Wake was an emergency Csection and we have been back and forth about doing a repeat C or trying for natural birth. In the end we have decided to schedule a C section and then if things happen prior to that then we will give it a whirl. I just can't imagine going over my due date and then having a C section anyway (since they can't induce a past C section).

So, life is about to get crazier and I'm just hoping that it turns out a little easier than I'm thinking it will be. I already have a wakeful, high energy toddler that wants mommies attention all the time, and a husband that thinks I am some sort of super hero that can get everything done with no problem at all...what will New Baby add to this story??? We are eager to find out and meet this sweet little girl!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Biltmore trip Feb.27th 2011

On the balcony of the house
Running in the gardens

Playing with daddy in the gardens
Making a lollipop mess
Chasing chickens was the best part!
Who needs to tour the mansion...there are chickens!
Kissing the sheep
That trip wore me out...I couldn't even finish my pop!

March Six Months Pregnant

Loving mama on the couch
Making sure baby sister is comfy
Giving baby sister some love
Six months

February and 5 months pregnant

Wake being happy!
20 weeks pregnant with baby girl
So, still trying to catch up on posts. I really ought to keep up with these so I don't have to go so far back! Plus, I feel somewhat like I am neglecting the next baby since I have not documented my pregnancy whatsoever on the site! Poor baby girl! Yes, we are expecting a little girl in June...and June can't seem to get here soon enough.

I have painted the nursery but we have not yet gotten furniture and such in there. We've also been talking to Wake about the baby. He likes to help me rub lotion on my belly and give it kisses. It is so cute! I know he will be a good big brother but I'm sure there will be some jealousy at first since him and I have spent so much time together.

January Snow Storm

Getting ready to head outside
A good 7 inches of snow on the porch
Snow angels with daddy...who's having more fun!
Sledding on a tray
Sledding on a real sled with mama

Christmas in VA more!

Getting my camo on for the farm
Christmas wore Kayla out!
Cool helicopter i got
On the farm poarch
The John Deere granddaddy has at the farm

Grandy got me this cool tent to hide out in!
Kayla the Christmas dog
Opening gifts Christmas morning