Wake is now four months old and as cute as ever. In this video we are experimenting with whether he is ready to eat rice cereal from a spoon. Verdict is that he may not be yet! Actually, this is his first rice cereal ever but we may stick to putting it in the bottle for another week and try feeding again later. By the way, this was the first time hunter used the flip so he did not know you can't turn it sideways for video...
This past month has produced lots of developments in Wake. For one, he is gaining weight great. He is teething and is the most drolly fellow right now. He loves to look right into your face and study your every wrinkle. From across the room he stares and watches what is going on. He has also learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. He loves doing that in order to get out of his tummy time, but i just flip him right back over for more! While he is getting close to sitting up, he more loves to stand up while you hold his hands. He thinks he is king of the house (which he is!) His personality is really just coming out each and every day and it is so much fun.
On the downside, we are still having problems with naps. He hates sleeping and still doesn't nap for more than 30 minutes! And, night sleep varies. It is good and then it is bad. I try my best to let him cry it out but he just keeps crying. Once t-day is over we will be able to concentrate more on getting him on a schedule and letting him cry it out multiple days in a row. Hopefully we can find a resolution to this soon. As I said before....I will be a walking zombie before long!
We hope everyone enjoys the holidays! Hopefully we will get some good photos of his first turkey day and Christmas so keep posted for more!
It was great to meet Mr. Wake the other day. Hang in there on the sleep thing. It tends to get better and then get worse and then get better again. We look forward to seeing him again, maybe at christmas we can have a baby party.