Well...we are one week into our adventure as new parents. this has not been easy (not that anyone ever said it would be). i have had my moments but the face of this baby makes all those not so good moments, sweet moments. nursing takes up a majority of my day. the man likes to drink---i think he has a problem! he rules by his fussy face. i had my mom here helping me out early on but we decided to take a few days alone to acclimate. i am about ready for nana to come back now! i know wake is ready for some nana rocking him to sleep.
as many of you probably know i did try to go thru a natural labor (for about 11 hours) but due to some complications (the reason i actually went to the hospital that morning in the first place) and a baby in distress, my doctor and nurse decided to opt for an emergency c-section. i feel now for all of the moms i know whom have gone thru this surgery, especially when it was not planned and you went thru hours of labor. you want to be up and doing everything you can for this little one but at the same time you have a good deal of pain and emotional discomfort from the entire process. i'm slowly returning from the ordeal and have probably been doing more than i should be. i like to think that i may have some superwoman blood but i know i am simply human.
well...thought i could sit down and write a full post but fussy face is calling me already. this has been a demanding and rewarding week for both hunter and i. i look forward to him getting into a routine as he grows but will miss the innocence of a newborn. will post more photos tomorrow.
he is so precious. keep on feeding him! the fatter you get them, the better they sleep. There is this great book called Babywise for tips on scheduling and getting them to sleep through the night. on demand feeding is great for the first couple of weeks, but gets exhausting after a while. my big fat boy is scheduled like he's in the army. we can't wait to meet wake.