Hunter has been really good with keeping eveyone up to date with all of our photos. I have been out of commission for a bit. We do have a good looking boy, and we are not biased at all!! This whole experience has been a one and only for me. I had a perfect pregnancy and a delievery that was almost nothing but! I can't complain as i have a fabulous son here now whom makes my face light up thru the thick and thin...
Wakefield "Wake" Copley Freeman was born on July 24th 2009 at 7:53pm in Greenville, SC. He was 20 inches and 7lbs. 6oz. He has a little brown head fuzz and blue gray eyes for now. He is soft as cotton, hungry as a hog, and loving, loving and loving.
He had lots of family support coming into this world with people waiting for hours and hours out in the waiting room for him to get here. Perhaps one day that laboring and laboring and laboring some more of a story will be shared on here... He is one lucky little boy to have so much love. His Nana and his Aunt C are here fighting over who gets to hold him, when! Life is hard!!! He has had so many loving family members come see him and help his momma out. His momma loves his nanna for all that she has done! Moms are the bestest. Maybe I will be the bestest one day!!!
Well, I wanted to give an update. Will keep up as often as i can. We love you Wake!!!
He is absolutely perfect! The pictures are beautiful...I'm crying over here. Congrats and I hope all are feeling well!