Sunday, December 20, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Four months and rice cereal adventures

Wake is now four months old and as cute as ever. In this video we are experimenting with whether he is ready to eat rice cereal from a spoon. Verdict is that he may not be yet! Actually, this is his first rice cereal ever but we may stick to putting it in the bottle for another week and try feeding again later. By the way, this was the first time hunter used the flip so he did not know you can't turn it sideways for video...
This past month has produced lots of developments in Wake. For one, he is gaining weight great. He is teething and is the most drolly fellow right now. He loves to look right into your face and study your every wrinkle. From across the room he stares and watches what is going on. He has also learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. He loves doing that in order to get out of his tummy time, but i just flip him right back over for more! While he is getting close to sitting up, he more loves to stand up while you hold his hands. He thinks he is king of the house (which he is!) His personality is really just coming out each and every day and it is so much fun.
On the downside, we are still having problems with naps. He hates sleeping and still doesn't nap for more than 30 minutes! And, night sleep varies. It is good and then it is bad. I try my best to let him cry it out but he just keeps crying. Once t-day is over we will be able to concentrate more on getting him on a schedule and letting him cry it out multiple days in a row. Hopefully we can find a resolution to this soon. As I said before....I will be a walking zombie before long!
We hope everyone enjoys the holidays! Hopefully we will get some good photos of his first turkey day and Christmas so keep posted for more!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kissy Monster

Wake in his Kissy Monster Halloween Costume

Three months and one Week

Wow, he is a growing boy! We are finally into our fourth month and all kinds of new tricks are going on. Unfortunately, we have taken 2 steps back with his night sleeping habits and are hoping this is only temporary or I may become a zombie after awhile! Must have sleep to function...

I just weighed Wake today and he is about 13.5 lbs. now. He has begun to get more hand control and loves to grab at the little hair I seem to have left these days (due to some post-partum hair loss!). He loves to chew on his fingers and drool all down his front. Those fingers sure are tasty to him. He likes to talk about all kinds of stuff. He can just talk, talk, and talk more. I just pretend I have a clue what he is saying. This week he has gotten really close to sitting up on his own (once propped up of course) but for now he still needs some pillow or back support. He loves to stand up with the help of mom and dad as he has got some strong chubby legs. Wake is eating well as usual. The boy never misses a meal!

In fact he has started waking again multiple times in the night and does not want to go back to sleep. We are going to be working on this little problem over the next week. What makes his night sleep worse is that he will not sleep during the day either! This is the first nap he has taken this week that has lasted more than 30 minutes. There is just no telling when he is going to wake up crying. Well, just a little info about what is going on. I suppose i should try to rest a bit while he is sleeping...

Pictures with the 200lb. Pumpkin

At Anytime Fitness, where I used to work, the manager brought in a 200 lb. pumpkin for a customer appreciation day. We took some photos there of Wake in his "Kissy Monster" outfit. Is he not the cutest thing ever????

Month 3 Random

As he has gained more head control he has taken begun to sit in the high chair while we are in the kitchen. He likes it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

This was Wake's first trip to the pumpkin patch. I thought we were going to support local farmers and buy a local pumpkin but they ship them in from New Mexico! Go figure! We got some little ones just as a thanks for letting us take photos in your patch!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy week but now we're home

Wake is now 11 weeks old. We just spent last week up in the beautiful fall colored mountains getting ready for his aunt C's wedding which was on Saturday (and lots of fun and very, very nice). Wake had a hard time getting settled as every time he was put into his room alone he would wail. He really thought he was going to miss out on some good times and wanted to be part of the action at all times. There were many of walks up and down the dirt road that lead to the house. One morning we saw two huge rainbows and a pack of wild turkeys. Different scenery than we have here at home! We are home now and had a good night of rest and a nice nap this morning. Hopefully we can get back into our routine and mom can get some sleep.

Over the past two weeks Wake's newest developments are "talking" more, starting to hold onto objects (not sure he even knows he is holding them), laughing, controlling his head almost fully when sitting up (assisted), getting closer and closer to being able to sit up, kicking his legs around like crazy, and basically just being the cutest thing ever! He gets more fun every day.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back home & 2 month check up

Well, wake and i were gone from home last week for four days and nights! His Nana kept him part of the time while i headed to Louisiana for a wedding. I know he wore my mom out with his baby schedule and night feedings. Thank goodness she is a wonderful mom. I am still trying to catch up on rest after all my travels and late nights. I was also hoping that I did not bring home any ailments from the yucky airplane. We are trying to get back to normal here and get our routine back together. Harder said than done!! Next week we will be off again to the mountains to prepare for my sisters wedding!

This week wake had his 2 month visit. He got an excellent report and appears to be a healthy and happy baby. He did have to get some shots but the nurse was really fast and he didn't cry much at all so it was not as bad as everyone had made me to believe. He weighed in at 11lbs. 13.5oz. (49%), 24 inches long (83%). He is growing so fast and it is so fun to watch all the new developments. This week he has learned to entertain himself for longer periods of time by looking around and trying to grab at different toys or whatever happens to be near him. One of his favorite things right now is chomping on his hands and spitting or blowing spit bubbles (until the front of his shirt is all wet!). He is cooing lots more and trying to "tell us how it is!" I try to tell him how it is back but he pretty much knows he runs the show!

Some September Photos of the fellow

Thursday, September 17, 2009

An addition to this week...

After a long Wake nap today, i was able to finally get some stuff done, mainly the lingering laundry. I was also able to pack up my maternity clothing which i really, really enjoyed doing. However, on a happy, yet sad note, I put away some of Wake's clothing that is now too small. As much as I love watching him grow, there is just something about all those clothes that I remember putting thru the laundry before he was born and thinking that these will never fit my baby (they are just too small). Well, now they really are too small and I realize that he is just a growing fellow. That is just what babies do...they seem to grow!!

Eight weeks!

Weeks keep going by. Sometimes they seem long and sometimes i don't remember them coming and going. My little old man is growing up! He survived his first night without mom and dad last weekend and will be spending two full nights and three days without them coming up soon. I am going to have major separation anxiety but will be really busy as I'm going to New Orleans to be in a college friends wedding. Plus, I know his Nana will take very good care of him but hopefully won't spoil him too bad (that means not holding him 24/7, mom!!!).

This week Wake has continued to give us those cute, cute smiles and giggles. He has also realized that he has hands and has been trying to eat them off! He is using them to grab at things within his grasp and/or sight, but doesn't really know how these hands work to his benefit yet! His neck is very strong and he is able to look around and view his little world. We are working on some tummy time to start to get his arms and back strong. I can't wait until he can sit up on his own!

Wake is still on a 3-3.5hour feeding schedule. At night he can sometimes give us almost five hours, but we are working on eliminating his 3:30am time. I think that it's coming in the next couple of weeks. It will be really nice for me to get a full 6-8 hours of sleep without getting up. My biggest problem right now is getting Wake to go down for his naps during the day. He will not sleep and then he gets so, so fussy because he is so tired. I even try putting him down and let him wail but that doesn't work either. Any tips????
Life is moving along. I am soooo much more rested than I was a month ago and that feels nice. I have finally been cleared by my doctor and feel well enough to be exercising. I hope to lose these last 10lbs and get toned back up soon! I'd like to be able to put my jeans back on as the weather cools back down. And, I am so ready to put away all the maternity clothes until the next bump!

For Nana...and kissy, kissy

On the day we found out whether wake was male or female my mom came up to visit. We did a little baby and maternity shopping and i picked out this outfit for wake, made by a local organic clothing company. He can finally wear it and doesn't he look cute!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

the wakely adventure....

As we are a full six weeks in, Wake is becoming, well, more Wake. He is starting to do some new activities which are always encouraging. Also, his schedule is becoming more of a three hour occurrence instead of on demand, which mom is happy of!

Wake has started smiling and getting very wide eyed lots this week and that has been fun. When he used to smile it was just from gas, but now they are because he is happy! I just love seeing his cute little man lips turn into a little man smile. If you have seen him sleep you may say that he is a "benjamin button" since he looks like an 80 year old man! There is also a bit of cooing going on. I just love seeing him grow.

Mom is taking her first night out without booga (aka wake!--is it ok to call your child booga face?) this friday to go to myrtle beach for aunt c's bachelorette party. It will be nice but i'm sure that i will be sad to leave him and i'm sure i will wake in the night expecting to hear him! welcome to parenthood! However, he will love being rocked and spoiled by his Nana for 24 hours!!

So, week six has come and gone and we are moving along and growing up quickly!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Entering week six...and excited about that!!

Last night Hunter posted some new photos on the site. We had been a little too busy to keep up with getting our hundreds of photos downloaded!! It is amazing how many pictures there are of this guy and he is only over five weeks old. As he is growing, things seem to be getting a bit easier and settling into more of a routine. He is one little muscle of a baby now (hunter calls him a little sausage) and is over 10lbs. I encourage him to gain the weight to help him be healthy and sleep more but it does wear me out having to feed him so much! I think he is starting to sleep more and sleep in a more predictable pattern which is very nice. He still eats about every 3 hours in the night but every now and again we get a 4 hour break. And, thanks to his Nana for staying up and feeding him at 1am friday and saturday night this weekend. That let old mom get some extra sleep!!

We took our first out of town trip with Wake to columbia this weekend. It is amazing how much stuff you have to load up for something that weighs 10 lbs.!! We got to meet up with baby Lily Livingston who is 2.5 weeks old now. We really loved getting to see her, chris, and lisa. She is a little doll with more blond hair than I have ever seen. We also got to see Miss Lilah who has grown up so much and is becoming such a big, pretty girl. It is so much fun to see all our friends as parents and get the babies together. It will be so much fun as they get older. From the photos posted you can also see that Wake got to meet his great grandfather, great aunts and cousin erin. He just had a busy, busy weekend.

Life is different now and certainly revolves around Mr. Wake. But, we are having a good time and love watching him grow. There just is nothing as sweet as watching a little baby sleep. They make the cutest faces in their sleep and that is enough to put a smile on any face. We are looking forward to each new daily adventure as we continue to tackle parenthood...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wake meeting the extendedSigmon family for the first time.

Here is a true Collage/representation of our lives these days...a lot of fun and a lot of parenting.

On the weekends we hang in our Hawaiian shirts and take a dip. Did I mention this is Wake's first time swiming?

Normally, I try to group the pictures....This time you get a collage. This is a mix of Wake's first bath, his first visit with his cousin, Charles, and just a good ol' nap (he gets plenty of them...Mom and dad are envious).

So who do you think he looks like?