Thursday, January 28, 2010

Six month updates

As I write this blog I have a screaming baby up in his crib. Why is he screaming you ask? Well, we have no idea. He usually goes down to bed fine and may wake in the night but not this early. I fear a bad, bad night ahead. I've checked on him and covered all the bases but he is not happy. At all. An unhappy baby is a confused and frustrated parent, but i remain calm.

Well, until i go back up and check on him again i suppose i will continue. Wake just turned six months this past week. He had his checkup yesterday and he is 16lb.3oz. He is a little on the small side (although he doesn't look it), but there is plenty of him to love (even when he is wailing)! He is now sitting up on his own which is probably his biggest milestone this month. He loves to act like a big boy! He grabs everything in his path and wants to put it all in his mouth. I fear the grabbing crawler that is in the foreseeable future!

Wait...i think he stopped crying...could it be? 40 minutes later...holding breath, holding breath...

Wake is also eating more solids now. I've expanded his edible delights to oatmeal (which he loves the most), carrots, peas, prunes, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, watery apple juice, and bitter biscuits and pickles which he likes to suck on thru his mesh bag feeder. I've been preparing all of his food on my own so he gets that extra special mama touch. A touch he probably will never really appreciate, but i do it for me cause i like to cook and i like to make him healthy.

Three minutes and still asleep...please, please stay asleep at least until 5am. Please...

My favorite thing he does now is while i'm holding him he will sometimes just stare at me and take in my face. Kind of like he is trying to understand me and what i'm feeling and doing in that moment. I can see him out the corner of my eye doing this and then i will look over at him and he will draw his face back and make the cutest little double chin and then he will light up with a smile you just want to eat up it is so sweet. Maybe this is something only I can understand but it will be one of those moments that I will always think of as he grows up.

Well, 9 minutes and he is still sleeping so I am going to sign out now and go watch Grey's Anatomy. And then hopefully...sleep!

Sitting up and trying to self feed

Never turn your back while feeding a baby...dirty things happen!

Look mom, I'm sitting on my own!!

holiday and aftermath

Sunday, January 3, 2010

turkey day 2009

Five months +2

So, somehow I have gotten busy with the holidays and forgotten to keep up with my post writing. Wake has really had lots of new goings on in the past month and a half! Well, he had his first Thanksgiving and Christmas so those were two biggies. We spent t-day up in VA with Hunter's family. It was our first long drive with wake (about 5.5 hours but 6.5 with baby and 2 rowdy dogs!) Wake was surprisingly good on the drive but I'm not looking forward to another long one anytime soon. He got to meet his family some of the Freeman's friends up that way. You'll see the photos of him in his oversized thanksgiving bib. We ended November on a good note.

Then came more holidays! Wake and i spent four days in Charleston. we did that drive alone and it was a little difficult, at least on the way home. He was screaming for about two hours! December was a big month with lots of developmental changes, and fun ones for the most part. Wake has really gotten his cereal eating down now and loves it! He has also gotten to eat prunes and he loves those too. He also loves to laugh out loud, grab at everything around him (so i cut my hair off), pet the dogs and cats, look for mommy and daddy around the room, fuss when he wants up, and cough when he wants attention. We have also been experiencing teething for the past three months but one has yet to appear. We see it and then it disappears...who knows? We have also been blessed with several full nights of sleep from 8pm to 8am; however, they always seem to follow up with a frustrating night of sleep! Babies will be babies i suppose.

He also hosted a small baby party while we were in columbia for christmas. Some of the babies that were going to come fell asleep, but that brings me around again to the fact that babies will be babies! You will see photos of that little party and wake's cute santa outfit. I may be biased but I think he is one super cute fellow. I just can't seem to give him enough kisses!