Monday, May 25, 2009

Starting on the Nursery

We started getting the nursery together. My mom came up here and helped me stencil these alligators on the wall for 8 straight hours. I could not have done this on my own without getting discouraged. There were 3 overlays with 5 colors. Then, I finished up after putting in another 3 hours. We still have no furniture for the room, although it has been ordered and will hopefully be here at the end of june. I've also gotten a cute zebra print rug that is brown and cream. I'm looking forward to getting everything set up in there! It is exciting!

Monday, May 11, 2009

More week 29

Linda, a good friend of my mom, had a very nice baby shower for me in columbia a couple of weekends ago. We had a really good lunch and I was a tad jealous of the tasty looking wine they were all drinking!! It was a fun time and here are some of the photos.
The baby has been really active this past week, kicking so hard at times it hurts! Guess he just wants me to remember that he is in there...but how could i forget with all of this extra weight I'm lugging around!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday morning, too early

It's early sunday and I couldn't sleep past 5:30am. My head kept thinking about all the things i need to get done before this little guy gets here! Guess I'm getting myself ready for what is to come! I wanted to post the ultrasound photo from my last visit, which was about two weeks ago. They said he was about 2.5lbs and his measurements had him at a rough 15inches. He is growing fast and will be here in no time at all!

Friday, May 1, 2009

First week of Third Trimester

Week 28...

Little Freeman has been becoming pretty strong these days. He is beating me up on the inside. I swear he is going to be a boxer one day. I keep thinking that if he is this big and strong now, what is he going to be doing in there in two months!!?? He's also started getting the hiccups which feel kinda funny in my tummy. Belly is really looking like there just may be a bowling ball in there.